Tuesday 4 February 2014

Day 27

A mixed day of frustration and accomplishments.

I was to have had a lecture this morning and for it to be evaluated. Then it was decided at the last minute that the students were best off in a lab session. So that was cancelled after a bit of a restless night. The most frustrating thing today was finding out that my contract, which I had signed on agreement for this position last year, has undergone subtle changes without my knowledge. Not so drastic that I am handing in my notice tomorrow. But they are changes that do make a difference. The thing is, if I complain I then come across petulant. If I don’t say something then they get away with it. It is difficult standing up to your principles in a foreign climate when you don’t know what is legally allowed. I managed to check the Kazakhstan Labor code and section 10.3 says unilateral changes to contracts are not allowed, but if I push this with NU I am sure they will not favour renewal of my contract and might even bring this one to a premature close. Surely contract changes should not happen without some form of notification? It also highlights some inequalities based solely on timing. Those who arrived 6 months ago have some better things and some worse things than those who arrived very recently. This would not have been a problem if they didn’t get me to sign the previous contract; I’d be none the wiser.

Why does it also have to take so long and so many repetitive emails to get answers out of people? I fear that each email goes through a long chain of people to find an answer that then becomes stuck on the way back. It’s been a long day and I think the tiredness is getting to me. This I believe is a universal constant (the lack of answers and the tiredness).

We may get to see the accommodation on campus tomorrow. Though all we are currently hearing is that it is much smaller than where we are and with less facilities in the immediate surroundings.

On the plus side, I managed to get a funding application completed. But even if this is awarded then a Kazakhstani national will get the credit. Currently working on the principle that getting any money for the team is better than getting no money for just me. I also received notification that I have been approved for the Membership Board of the journal Carbon. Small things, but no less significant.


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