Tuesday 25 February 2014

Day 48

I liken it to arriving at tescos with a baby in one arm, a pile of shopping bags in the other and a toddler hanging onto my leg only to realise that I have no pound coin for my shopping trolley. Not a huge disaster but mildly frustrating at the same time... usually frustrating that I hadn't been more organised beforehand! So today we got into a taxi thinking that we had the right change to pay for it, only to discover that we didn't. As Ray already mentioned the issue with change I knew that there was no way the driver would have change for my 10,000 tenge note (around £33). I also knew that with 3 children who can barely shuffle along when kitted out in their snow gear there was no chance of us dashing anywhere to find change. Thankfully the taxi driver was kind and I think he took pity on me and let me off the last 50 tenge when I had emptied my purse. Fortunately it was the same kind driver who came back to collect us 3 hours later, by which time we had found the only local shop and managed to get some change whilst buying some (particularly revolting it later turned out!) frozen vegetables. So I was able to pay for the next journey plus the extra I owed him for the first.

This was our first outing (except for family trips at the weekend) since last Tuesday as we've had a poorly coldy Rebekah and have hibernated lots. I am really missing getting out and walking places! We finally saw our friends and had a quick toddler group followed by an art lesson. Squeezed in a little Maths and Literacy on our return and a good skype with the grandparents and Matthias's buddy Finn. Matthias enjoyed a special Daddy / son outing this evening and all three children are now asleep and I have pg tips... bliss! Ray continues to prepare for a lecture tomorrow and be frustrated by the crazy UK bank accounts... he is muttering at the computer every few minutes!


Mutter, mutter...


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