Wednesday 12 February 2014

Day 35

A giant golfing tee
More of a family day today for the middle of the week. The children were pleased to have daddy work from home today... So everyone worked extra hard this morning so that we could head out this afternoon. 
Ray said his mushroom tasted funny
Survived two new shopping centres. That really is all there is to do in the cold... It's a good job there's a variety of them to liven it up a little. We had to make an 'exciting' trip to the bank and catch a second bus to the next centre where we continued our plight to make friends by joining a few others from Astana international club with young children at a soft play. 
Rebekah got some special daddy/ daughter time (much to her delight!) while the others charged around and got a little exercise. All was brought to a sudden end when Kyria's nose began to bleed leaving a beautiful red trail all through the soft play.  It seems she has joined Rebekah in developing nose bleeds due to the incredibly dry climate. Perhaps we need to buy the humidifier after all.
Rebekah preparing for her Easter
egg look-a-like contest
One of my lifelines to home at the moment is the superb "what's app" ... I almost feel a part of life in Eastbourne when at around 2pm here (8am back home) my friends begin to chat and send general messages about their day.  The children are similarly loving sending little voice messages to some of their friends who are getting ready for school and usually quite pleased to be able to tell them that their school is already over! How things have changed from our old fashioned snail mail.  I am so thankful for technology. Having said that it does mean that it is almost impossible to find out how to send proper mail to the UK... Nobody seems to know.  So our little pile of letters is still waiting and I'm continuing my investigations. 


1 comment:

  1. sooooooo good to hear what you guys been up to, sorry to hear about currency and nosebleeds. I miss you everytime go past your house, it's wierd seeing the new people in it.they have alittle kid and there loads of toys in porch instead of washing! It looks like a play den. And keepseeing your badges at church which makes me miss you too! Think of you often. Think you are amazing mrs W (and the rest of you obviously) take care, keep warm, god bless you xxc
