Monday 26 May 2014

Days 111 to 120

We had the Provost of NU, a gentleman from Wales, give a talk to our School. Was quite revealing in that some senior managers just view this venture as a ride. Oh, they can talk the talk. But without top down involvement, any developed strategies will peter away, leaving those who invested their lives and marriages and their children’s education wondering why did we bother again? Thankfully it is not every senior manager. Time will tell. There are a number of people who have indicated their intension to leave. Perhaps it is expressions of desires than actual commitments to leave.

Had a colleague Joe sing as part of a 2 Stars talent contest. One song in English and the other in Kazakh. One academic and one student. Was well attended by the students and a smattering of staff too. Kids enjoyed it and Matthias and Kyria went up with Joe when the results came in. The sound recording was not great, but the atmosphere hopefully carries through:

Attended a meeting to push the development of the PhD program through for School of Engineering. The meeting was quite positive, though we spent more time discussing the title of the PhD than the actual content.

Celebrated Sean’s birthday, a crazy triathlete from Australia. Children had lots of fun chasing balloons round someone else’s apartment. I tried desperately to get Sean to eat as much junk food as possible. He’s 6 foot tall and weighs a postage stamp and obviously needs fattening up to make it easier on me when my bike arrives.

Joe’s mum and sister came in from the USA bearing gifts. Kids very excited to get a giant jar of Jelly Beans. And we went back to a restaurant not far from where we initially stayed. Somewhat embarrassing though. We did not organise this get together at that restaurant but were keen to come along. Turns out that we had no Russian speakers in our party and there was no picture menu. So I had to text Kevin for assistance and he duly obliged, having remembered what Ali and I ordered several months previously. Just showed the waitress the text message and we were fine.

Running has been a challenge. Felt I was over-pronating, which was causing sharp pains around my ankles. Then felt very conscious about concentrating about how to run. Must have looked a right twerp, face screwed up in procrastination trying to look at my feet landing on the treadmill. They say running suddenly gets a lot easier. Cannot wait for that day.


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