Wednesday 30 April 2014

Days 101 to 110

Switching from daily to block-of-days writing is much harder than I thought. Perhaps it is because of my tired brain trying to recollect what has been happening over the last 10 days (or so). Anyway, practise makes perfect – or leads to less mistakes – pick your adage.

Work continues with a mixture of potential hope and a modicum of frustration. I was asked to conduct a health and safety evaluation of a room to be used for experimental purposes and bearing in mind I have no formal training, there was no qualified electrician or fire officer either, I tried to ensure I could not be held liable. This government announcement of holidays at the end of the week and overlapping with the weekend is really confusing. This is also exam time and the schedule was drawn up months in advance. So there are colleagues who have to work during the holiday and are still expected to turn up for work on Sunday. Had a little tête-à-tête with a senior manager after it was announced that private taxis were banned from entering campus and the problems that would ensue, particularly for families. But it turned out they only meant gypsy cabs, though it didn’t stop some staff from experiencing problems trying to get on campus in uni hired taxis. In trying to sort out the frustrations, decided I should try and get on the Faculty Senate. A little more work, a lot more headaches I’m sure, but hopefully exposed to better communication.

I had a good score in a recent funding application, hopefully it will get funded. The other funding application was not submitted by the research office, much to my disappointment. It took several emails to finally get some answers. They could have avoided the rhetoric had the just admitted the problem in the first email rather than gloss over it. Don’t think Kazakhstani custom allows for admitting you were wrong, but try and point the blame elsewhere. So I ruffled a few feathers, but managed to smooth things over with the individual involved. The others need to learn how to communicate with me. I can get feisty and highlight their shortcomings; not a great attribute I grant you, but I am exhausted by the admittedly not-that-frequent incompetent actions of those in managerial roles.

This renting out the home remotely is not good for my anxiety levels. We have a great managing agent in place who is keeping on top of things. But they reported that damp patches are appearing on the chimney breast in the main bedroom. I had sealed and painted the chimney after it was skimmed and damp patches are now showing. Hopefully it is nothing more than the chimney needs a lot of time to dry out and I should have used a better sealant. And by trying to get on these problems straight away, hoping that the tenants feel happy they are being looked after.

Some good news. I had an MRI scan and they can confirm I have a brain! There’s nothing wrong with it either, so the cluster headaches I’m getting appear to have no root cause inside the skull. We’ve all been feeling a little under the weather. Not sure if it is a bug going round, but decided I would try the activated carbon remedy, which they use a lot in the former Soviet states. It does work too. Well worth getting a supply on standby for food poisoning, a lot of stomach complaints, radionuclear contaminated food, etc. Just got to get over the fear of eating a black pill.

I purchase a new pair of trainers and have to say... what a waste of money. I recently traded up my Nike Dart 9s (inexpensive) for a pair of Adidas Supernova Glide Boost (expensive). There’s almost no real difference in weight, thickness of padding. The Adidas are better fitting, supposedly with more stability control and bouncy material, but actually caused more painful issues during the run than the Nikes. It could be that I need time to get used to them, but I came across this report – alas after I made the purchase – which is well worth the read if you want to buy running shoes for running: Of course, it could be that the Nike Dart’s were an excellent pair of running shoes anyway. So I am still waiting for my bike to turn up. I now have the complete set of clothing and all the accessories were delivered late yesterday, so I am now prancing about in my fluoro gear and cycling shorts, but without a bike. I get some strange looks I can tell you. Very impressed with Parcel Force, which I had mentioned before. They appear to get through Kazakhstani customs quicker than any other foreign company. So whilst I am waiting, I am trying to build my fitness levels again by running and perhaps stupidly decided that training for running the marathon distance is a good idea – hence needing an expensive pair of running shoes, because there’s no way I am going to do all the hard work and need “The new BOOST™ foam with its unique energy capsules features a magical combination of functional benefits: Unlike any other foam it gives a soft and springy cushioning and feels ‘alive’. It energizes your running stride for more efficiency independent from the temperature and ensures maximum comfort.” What a fool I am. My hat is off to Ali who is diligently keeping up with her training regime for couch to 5k and she ran 25 minutes without stopping; please bear in mind she has never run for that long continuously.  

The weather last week was quite naff. It started snowing again and temperatures dropped into the negative centigrade region. Then it was blowing hurricane force winds, which had ripped apart aluminium sheet fencing round the building site next door. Very concerning that you could get sliced and diced. But we had braved the elements and Ali and Rebekah have been very cultured and went to ballet the other day to see Swan Lake. Nearly said Swan Walk, but only the Horshamites would get that and would not have been nearly as graceful either. They had a good time at the Astana Opera House and we thank Wynter and Jennifer for giving up their tickets. We’re now faced with the other 14 things to do on the top attractions of Astana list, which doesn’t make for great reading outside the top 3. Still, we are here so we are going to make the best of it.

Had a chance to lead worship last Sunday. Doesn’t help that my voice is low and therefore unsure beforehand whether anyone singing in the audible range are comfortable or straining. Still, the expat get together has become important to us. We’re faced with a lot of changes over the coming months with a number of people moving from Astana or leaving the area. But this is the group we feel we get the most out of for us and for the children. Definitely missing Kings fellowship, although WhatsApp lifegroup keeps us in touch.

Experienced our first water shortage. The taps went off late one day and didn’t resume for 24 hours. No notice and poor communication. We were told it was city wide and would only be a few hours. Then it was going to be all day. Turns out it was only our block, with no explanation as to why we were told otherwise. This is Kazakhstan.


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