Thursday 23 January 2014

Day 15

Our first post hit the mark
Another hectic day, but a lot of fun too. Set a test in the second week of semester and really amazing how seriously the students take all their assessments. It has a lot to do with their stipend; supposedly if they get poor results they get kicked out, if they do okay then their stipend is delayed, if they do really well then they get their stipend on time. It may not be the best motivation, but it works. Part of the difficulty at NU is to get the students out of the habit of cheating. Whilst it seems an obvious thing not to do, apparently it stems from an attitude of helping your friends not to fail; the distinction is culturally orientated. I gave them a more relaxing lecture afterwards where they built C60 models in the quickest time. It went down well with the students who all were eager enough to stay another 20 minutes after the lesson had finished trying to complete their models.

Soft play Astana style
It is with great sadness that we report that the last of the Galaxy we brought with us to Kazakhstan has now been eaten. Thanks so much to Daren and Lucy Ransley for the emergency rations! We will attempt at some point to order through Amazon and see if they deliver to Astana. We have found online shopping, but still negotiating with the expats as to how it is best to use the service, given that we have apartment managers and a University Support Team that can translate for us. It’s a little complicated and would rather get an Indian takeaway, but that just isn’t popular over here. For those that know me, you’ll know I have just cause to get a bit excited. Ali went out with the children to the local shopping centre Ramstor Mega, managing the bus ride without me (well done gorgeous!) and met up with some other expat mums in Astana. Ali reported back that she has found the allegedly best burger and milkshake in the city, oh and found the mums have children of similar age to ours and potential has some coffee morning and home-schooling partners and some such other details (she’’ll fill you in later).
It's cold outside, but lovely and warm inside with hugs
Our first post arrived today. Thank you so much to the Fuggles for the card – very funny and wonderfully appropriate!

I’m guessing we should learn Russian. Those NU academics that have been here for a while fall into two camps. Those with children and those with plenty of spare time to have Russian lessons. I wont make a big deal of it, but it is really hard finding the time when I should be spending what spare time I have making sure that my family is happy. We’re in no rush to get back to the UK so there is a chance we can start the Russian lessons at some point in the next few hundred days.
Let us know if the blog colour combo is okay J




  1. Much easier to read now:)
    Really enjoying the daily updates
    Praying for you all
    Caroline & Steve
