Friday 24 January 2014

Day 16

Goodnight sweetheart well it’s time to go
It’s felt like a long week and just after lunchtime I ran out of energy. Needed chocolate, but there is no immediate snack shop, unless venturing outside. I am happy to become one with the elements, but perhaps not a 6 month temporary statue. Ali and the children came to NU for pizza. The children were very excited to see my work and they drew quite a few stares (and smiles) from the students. Ali is gaining confidence in trying taxis and buses, although yesterday’s exploits gave cause for a little concern. As we said before, the locals take good care of children, so when she got onto a crowded bus, the children were whisked away to suddenly vacant chairs, leaving Ali to wonder if she would get them back in time to get off the bus. Taxis are cheap by UK standards and NU’s service means that they call you when the taxi arrives and tell you what taxi number it will be, so that no-one can deceive you. Great service and no annoying beeping from the street.

I hate to leave you, but I really must say

Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight
Trying to stay on top of the workload is a strain and need real direction as to how to find balance. When kissing Kyria goodnight, she has taken to pushing me away and telling me to go back to the computer and do my work! Not having been here that long and I’ve already got an evaluation of my lectures next week. I get to have one of my colleagues and the Dean sit in on a physical chemistry lecture. Only downside is I haven’t met the students for this module and do not know their capabilities. Plus I have little time to think about how to be creative with so many other projects needing immediate and urgent attention. Thank heavens that I now share an office with Wynter, who is charismatic and ever joyful.  

The children seemed to have adapted to life in Astana, albeit early days still. Within a fortnight they have met with children of similar age and Rebekah is off to her first birthday party next weekend. Funnily enough to a girl called Olivia. As you can tell from the pictures, they are feeling a lot more comfortable now that their Build-a-Bears have turned up.

We’re running out of Marmite. Ali has heard there might be a shop in Astana that sells it, but I reckon it is nothing other than speculation. Might have to go hunting tomorrow.



  1. We continue to support and keep you in our thoughts regularly, especially with the challenges you face. <3 :-)

  2. Can we send a food parcel yet? If so we need a postal address.

  3. Sending hugs and love. Tim says we have address oops. X
    So pleased to see bears and babies have been renunited x

  4. Hi all, I've just read your blog up to Day 16 (Tim sent me the link) Here's some virtual Marmite for you :)
