Saturday 5 April 2014

Day 87

Weekend, glorious weekend. It brought about our usual trip out into the city, with a bus ride in the sun shine, although the wind still blows cold and overnight temperature drops below freezing. There was a man who was reading over Matthias' shoulder all the way to the Mega store. Hope he liked Horrid Henry whom ever he was.

Both Matthias and I were very excited to see a LEGO Millenium Falcon. So will keep an eye out to see if it enters the half price sale in a few months time. Perhaps wishful thinking. Frozen toys are a big hit with Rebekah and Kyria. They can practise saving up their pocket money.

So it looks like we will be moving at some point, but still awaiting confirmation of approval. Not looking forward to having to pack everything yet again, but at least we are not moving that far. Should be moving vertically, 6 floors up.

Trying to plan holidays does not appear to be much fun. Because we have not tried to book holiday time at NU before and I am (should be) going to South Korea for a conference at the beginning of July and there are complicated rules that would prevent me from flying from Korea to UK to start my holiday and the number of holiday days I've accrued, the list goes on, but hoping to make it to the UK for mid-July for me. End of June for Ali and the kids. We're thinking that we should buy another car and keep it in the UK somewhere safe, so that we do not have to pay high rental prices everytime we come back home. Trouble is, not sure where we could keep a car tucked away.

Anyway, looking forward to the Summer break. Looks like there will be no official Easter celebration here (unsurprisingly), but that will not deter us from East egg hunts - albeit without the Easter Eggs.

My colleague Sean finally got out on his bike for a few hours this morning and provided me with a couple of photos. The landscape doesn't change much once you leave the city limits. Nevertheless, I am excited about getting a bike here. Running up and down the stairs is becoming rather tedious.


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