Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day 98

To apply for head of school position or not? Difficult question to answer. I am not a chemical engineer, so if I were to get it would that expose the school to difficulties. However, with the current set-up, things are not going great either. Lack of direct experience in head of school role, but have been through most academic procedures. At least for all other parts of the role, I can do without too many difficulties. So I guess it comes down to whether the Dean would take me seriously. And also whether I would have power to make changes or simply have to toe the line.

We moved! I think Ali is completely fed up with moving now. 3 times this year. At least this is a bigger place, better utilisation of the space. They had the radiators not working properly, so were on full blast for many months without anyone checking. Had to have the tiles in the en suite bathroom removed as they were hanging off the wall. But atleast they were able to sort things fairly quickly. And checking out of the other apartment was very straight forward and not as daunting as I could have imagined it.

Well, we have flights confirmed for Ali and the children to go back to the UK at the end of June and I will head along a couple of weeks after. It is still a strange set-up that I have a limited amount of time for holidays and expected to stay put in Astana with very little to do during the Summer before and after my holidays are used. I cannot even get away to do some research, which is rather depressing. Still Summer should be fun albeit busy driving around the country (if I remember how) trying to catch up with everyone.

I wonder if culture shock with the UK will hit us. Probably not this Summer. Very much looking forward to a few curries and roast dinners; the Phillips family sent through some needed supplies. I am not sure what I am more excited to see. The bar of Toblerone or the Paxo Stuffing! Thank you all.

Very excited also to see some Easter-y things appear in some shops. It is all within a Russian Orthodox setting, but its presence is appreciated. Decorating eggs must be a big thing in the USA as I have had several American colleagues all talk about having egg paint available for the children. I'm sure that a lot of them are not interested in the origins of Easter though. I could be and hope I am wrong.


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