Tuesday 4 March 2014

Day 55

Do you ever have one of those days when everything suddenly and inexplicably goes right? You roll into work with dread, wondering how the day will beat you down and then are surprised by several pieces of good news that you could not quite believe? Well I didn’t have one of those days.

I guess the only thing I could say was I am glad it ended by getting on the coach to go back home to Riverside, where I did receive a warm reception, celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and a trip out to Segafredo (inadvertently getting caught up in a young Kazakhstani stranger’s birthday party).

It appears that whatever I was holding onto about the workplace exists alongside entities such as the square root of minus 1 (namely i). By working on i, it may be possible to bring it from the imaginary realm into reality, but no-one can tell me how or even if it will be worth it. I believe I am (or was) a short way (perhaps a year or 2) from being a Full Professor by UK standards, but there appears to be no opportunity of gaining that rank at NU, unless I quit and apply for it. But no-one will tell me if there are positions available at that level. Was involved in a meeting where Chemistry modules were taken away from our department and being taught by chemists who don’t want us using their labs and with certain lecturers who really would not survive at a modern institution in the West. The battle of ordering equipment has come to a close with the result of having to wait till next year to start the ordering process again and then having to wait another 18 months before anything gets delivered.

Proud to say, like father like daughter!
(She knew she was on washing up duty)
On the plus side, I called together some students who had been copying or colluding on a recent assignment and they admitted their fault. I wasn’t expecting that, which in a way made it harder to push through the academic misconduct forms, but we have to stamp this attitude out strongly. We cannot show weakness, otherwise they will jump on the opportunity.

There is still a lot of potential at NU, but I’m not yet sure of my place within it. At Brighton I felt as though I never quite fitted, being caught between 2 schools and having research interests that they couldn’t yet properly support. So this similar journey continues.

One may ask why are we still here, but NU was only 1 part of the decision. Perhaps I am transitioning from what I expect to what is reality. A number of colleagues back in the UK had made certain decisions about their academic career path and are quite comfortable with that. I cannot quite derail my hopes just yet, but I still listen out for when reality comes a knocking.


Finally gave up on moving anywhere soon & spent our free afternoon pinning up all our photos from our farewell party    Thanks Rachel Kiley for great shots. If we didn't get your lovely picture then feel free to send one! 

Studied Shrove Tuesday & made family pancakes. I certainly miss our gas hob! Told the children that Ray was giving up burgers for lent... Surprisingly they didn't believe me!


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