Tuesday 25 March 2014

Day 76

I have always wondered why I have an incessant focus to complete the task at hand. It is why I “get into” a lot of things and equally, to the frustration of my wife, I become obsessed with so many different activities. I get lost in films or games, so much so that Alison can barely draw anything but a few mumbled words from me that have no bearing on the conversation. I am the proud owner of inline skates, two road bikes, a mountain bike, a radio controlled petrol driven car (1.2cc engine), a Warhammer 40,000 army, a Bloodbowl game, Starfleet Battles with expansion pack, Warrior Knights, have an electric guitar and brought another acoustic guitar quite recently; the list goes on.

It is why am back into running, cannot give up the hunt for the World’s best cheeseburger and always on the search for an advanced laptop (now Ultrabook) for “work”.

It is why I have to avoid MMOGs, why I need to ensure my credit card is blocked if they ever produce a full costume for WH40K, why I have to reign in my ego when it comes to checking my research profile.

I yearn to find completion. I desire to be the very best. I set goals which are realistic, but it takes precious time and energy. 

And I now realise why I am this way.

LEGO made me.

Have you ever felt that growing excitement? The satisfaction that you are on the right path? How about the anticipation of a job well done? That you have completed your goals and produced something to be truly proud of? That is what LEGO has done to me. Seeded it early in my life, brainwashed me, hoodwinked me into needing to achieve in order to get that endorphin release. It is a powerful rush. And the complexity of the LEGO set has to grow in order to increase the endorphin kick.

I have just spent 30 minutes today assembling LEGO models with Matthias and I realised I am still wanting to live this rush by buying my son the toys that I really desire. I am currently in distraction therapy and Matthias has benefitted from expanding his LEGO collection. My concerns have now switched to Ali. I have seen her eyeing these super cool new LEGO sets for girls...

It was a really good day and the best way to spend my final day of the Nauryz holiday with those I love the most. And I am not talking about the LEGO TIE Fighter and the LEGO Sarlacc.


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