Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 77

A day of two halves. Worked in the office in the morning and worked in the office in the afternoon. Only where the offices are located are a secret and looks like NU workers need a measure of deniability. There is a strict boots under the table policy, but how strict is strict no-one really knows. NU have at least stopped people flying off to Zanzibar and claiming they are working from the pool side at a hotel.

We had the Block 38 work crew come and attempt to fix the radiators again. But it's several hours later and the radiators are still full on. At least they came and tried and were polite about it. Spent some time with the family skating on the first floor of Block 38 and chasing the cleaning staff. They all appear gruff until you smile and wave and then they are a little lost and end up smiling in return. Perhaps its something to do with lack of creativity. Who came up with "Block 38" as a name for a set of residential apartments for staff? Sounds more like sun block factor to me. But on the up side, at least it is easier to direct taxis on site.

So, I have now submitted my request for a research trip. Not sure what my Dean will say. It'll either be to the UK, Japan or staying put in Kazakhstan. Trying not to get my hopes up, but it could turn into a busy Summer. Otherwise it'll be tasking the first cohort of PhD students with all my ideas in September, assuming we can get approval for the PhD program. But then I'll be lecturing back to back classes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels until new staff arrive.

Just had a Skype conversation with my Gran. That was her first ever internet and Skype experience. Thank goodness for modern technology and working internet in Kazakhstan. Ali was remarking today that we are blessed to be in a country that depsite certain restrictions and "difficult to understand why" policies, at least we have a lot of modern conveniences. Our hats go off and hearts go out to all those in countries where internet is a luxury, hot running water is a pipe dream and KFC is a glorious distant memory.


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