Monday 31 March 2014

Day 82

3D movies in the home! I'm sure I said before that NU offers an interesting mix in their care package. Most of the grumbles have been aired before as well as the highlights. Although Ali would rather trade the 3D tv in for a larger kitchen (as would I), we watched Monsters University in 3D after the kids went to sleep. Very impressive technology right there in your home. Not that we could watch a lot of 3D tv. Began to cause headaches, so will have to be careful with the children. But tomorrow night is their surprise. And on a school night too.

Today managed to get back home for lunch with the family, then walked them down to the play park on my return to work. Was followed by a dog all the way. I tried to scare the dog and it ran off, but always kept coming back. With one final scaring away the dog, I left my family at the play park only to get a call from Ali a few minutes later to say that she abandoned it and sought refuge inside the university. The dog came back. It is difficult to know the temperament of any animal, especially a wild dog and none of my family is particularly happy with dogs about.

So we have an over abundance of security guards who sit around staring at you, when they could be out there trying to keep the university clear of wild animals. A bit of exercise might cheer them up a little bit too.

Get to fid out how much common sense the Kazakhstani students have tomorrow. We're going through safety in engineering, which is an excuse to watch a lot of violent explosions. I also came across a video whilst putting this presentation together of a man free climbing a 1,700 ft tower. My hands are still sweating at the thought. I could probably make it to the part where the caging disappears, but with no chance of climbing back down under my own power.  


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