Monday 10 March 2014

Day 61

The short cut from the bus and you can just about
make out Khan Shatyr in the background
Very relaxing morning, well for the others at least. I got up before 8am, which was not too bad considering it was a public holiday and a rough night of swapping beds (why is it for a King sized bed that Rebakah and Kyria migrated from one side to the other to push Ali and I out?). Managed to run the stairs and was entertained with singing from the cleaner. Once we decided to get dressed, we ventured forth by bus into the city. We got off roughly where I thought we needed to be and after one fairly short walk managed to end up at Gymboree, which was conducted in English with 2 rather exuberant Kazakhstani lasses; where do they get their energy? Managed to squeeze in a quick milkshake and cheeseburger, then back to Riverside for dinner with Lena and Gerald (a wonderful older couple who have travelled the world with their children who are now all grown up and have children of their own). Was great that they were willing to subject themselves to the Whitbys, but much fun and food had by all. Then back to our apartment to finish off Harry Potter (for Rebekah and Matthias). And we find that the day has passed too quickly and still far too much left to do. At least it is a short week, but no doubt to be filled with many trials and tribulations.

There's till plenty of snow, but rumour that it might hit positve degrees sometime this week. But I actually find it quite relaxing. Besides seeing Astana "naked" might not be all that wonderful. Time will tell.

Will try and encourage Ali to share her thoughts, but she thinks that being a full time mum, teacher, minder, negotiator, cook, entertainer, laundress, cleaner, oh and wife, is making her tired. Strange that.


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