Friday 14 March 2014

Day 65

The madness continues. A day of trying to get the managers in charge of relocation to listen and respond to the questions asked has gone nowhere. Even after talking with the President of the university, he wants all communication to go through the Deans, which has been impossible given that my Dean was away this week. Today we received an ultimatum to sign the residential contract or we will not be allowed to move and we would have to pay for our Riverside apartment if we continue to stay. Bearing in mind that because we are foreigners, the cost of these apartments would be astronomical. I was not happy. As it happens, a lady moved today because she could not move tomorrow and she had to pay 4,000 tenge for towels that were not deemed "clean" enough. Unfortunately, tomorrow I am likely to be very argumentative if they try that with me.

The saving grace is that I did speak to someone in HR, alas not high up enough, but someone who is Kazakhstani and she agreed with us that the process has been badly handled. I just do not see anything changing as a consequence.

I heard that someone tried to claim a flight to a destination other than their home, which was a perk of the old contract, but was told that everything was changing and they were not allowed. So it is in direct violation of our contract, the procedures are being pushed through without reference to us (yet again).

I am also concerned that they really do not want any foreigners here, but was told that it is simply that they do not understand foreign mentality and have no ability (probably empowerment) to do so. So another great piece of news came through the emails saying that taxis are being banned from entering the university. Not only do we have to walk out of the university to the front gate and wait for our taxi in minus 40 degrees C during winter time, we also would have to walk all our children the 0.3 to 0.5 miles to our new accommodation with our weekly shopping in hand. Somewhere along the line this silliness has to cease. I cannot see any one about to join NU would be happy about this and are likely to take the next flight home. But it is going to take that before a manager realises the problem and tries to put it right.

Must pack the computer away and hope they don't damage it, because they wont pay for their mistakes. Yet I am forced to pay for mine.

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